This document aims to solicit world-leading architectural cluster design proposals for the Central Area of Wanshan-Lake Eco-techcity.
Wanshan Lake Eco-tech City Central Area(brief as“the project”)aims to work on architectural concept design and urban scene scape design of the heart area of Wanshan Lake Eco-tech City in the eastern part of Wuxi city. This project is planned to be built as advanced architectural aesthetics and active urban features. The document is the official booklet of international competition.
There are three planning concepts related in this document as below
Wanshan Lake Eco-tech City =45km² urban development area
2、宛山湖生态科技城核心区 =2.5km² 城市区域
Wanshan Lake Eco-tech City Core =2.5km² Urban area
Wanshan Lake Eco-tech City Central Area =0.45km² landmark building cluster and urban space scene
Wanshan Lake Eco-tech City Core (including Central Area) is a forward-looking positioning:a green city that leads China's low-carbon practices, a future-oriented sci-tech innovation center, and a livable city that gathers international talents. With the concepts of low carbon, intelligence, ecology and vitality, this project will explore the leading architectural aesthetics in the future urban central area of the Yangtze River Delta with a world-leading architectural vision, with the goal of developing innovative urban mixed blocks, efficient public transport and resilient, diversified ecological patterns. Upon completion, the urban central area will help attract international talents, promote the collision and integration of diverse cultures, connect the ecological corridor and the surrounding functional areas, create an organic system of lake-city symbiosis, establish a world-class model ecological eco-tech city, and build an "innovative blue bay" that combines ecological charm with the vitality of sci-tech innovation.
Aerial View of Wanshan Lake Eco-tech City
Wanshan Lake Waterfront City Planning
Wanshan Lake Eco-tech City is Becoming the Sci-Tech Innovation Hub in East Wuxi
宛山湖生态科技城核心区(2.5 km²)结构示意图
Layout of the City Core of Wanshan Lake Eco-tech City (2.5 km²)
本次征集在宛山湖生态科技城战略规划和核心区城市设计成果基础上,根据规划愿景、城市功能、空间风貌、用地要求、建设理念等相关要求,对 12 个城市地块的建筑形态及其周边道路、景观、滨水空间、地下空间等重要城市空间场景进行策划设计。整体城市空间面积约45公顷,其中建设用地面积约23.9公顷(358亩),计容建筑面积约80万平方米。
The international competition is based on the urban strategic planning and urban design of Wanshan Lake Eco-tech City Core. The design object includes comprises a total of 12 urban plots and their urban space in-between,such as traffic, landscape, waterfront, underground and more.The total land area is about 45 hectares, including23.9hectares(358mu) of constructional area, and the total building area with floor area ratio (FAR) calculated is about 800,000 square meters.
List of Plot Indicators
Plot Numbers
Important instruction: this project(Wanshan Lake Eco-tech City Central Area) including 3 urban function groups. One is Innovation High-Line(05-10 plots), one is Thinking Harbor(11-12 plots), one is urban living group in north of Dacheng road(01-04 plots). The 3 urban function groups should be considered with both architectural form and urban space.
Floor Area Ratio Index of Each Plot
Building Height Index of Each Plot
Related Functions
01: Plot A-06-01: Independent residential community
02: Plot C-13-01: Mixed commercial and residential block
03: Plot A-10-01: Future-oriented public cultural facilities
04: Block B-01-01: Public buildings oriented by administrative office
05: Plot C-01-01: Land for scientific research and office industry
(this plot should focus on sustainable and green building topic)
06: Plot C-02-01: Land for scientific research and office industry
(this plot should focus on sustainable and green building topic)
07: Plot C-04-01: Land for scientific research and office and talent apartment, commercial space
08: Plot C-05-01: Land for scientific research and office and talent apartment, commercial space
09: Plot C-03-01: Industrial mixed block
10: Plot C-06-01: TOD commercial office block
11: Main building of administrative office in new district
(this plot also may include public exhibition and conference functions)
12: Plot C-07-01: TOD commercial office block
宛山湖生态科技城 2.5平方公里核心区平面图
Site Plan of Wanshan Lake Eco-tech City Urban Central Area of 2.5 km²
1) Vitalizing sci-tech innovation through a high efficiency cluster of complex development
This project is located at the important node of "Shanghai-Nanjing Midfield", and sci-tech innovation is the exciter of its urban vitality. In project development and design, bold innovation should be made on the basis of existing conditions, focusing on sci-tech services, sci-tech innovation carriers and cultural and creative sports, etc., so as to realize pre-planning of industrial guidance and urban investment. The design should emphasize the comprehensive development of offices and supporting facilities and promotion of creative exchange that meets the all-round needs of people.
2) Realizing lake-city symbiosis to explore the landscape scenes capes
In this scheme, special attention should be paid to the relationship with Wanshan Lake Ecological Wetland, adhering to the ecological and sustainable design concept, and creating the penetration of landscape nodes at multiple levels, so that there will be many public places in the core area for citizens to have rest. In the design, it's necessary to make use of the environmental advantages around the plot, and carry out pervasive interactive design between natural landscape and artificial environment to form a modern urban scene where lakes and cities coexist. In the design, special attention should be paid to the design and creation of two urban scenes with "Innovation Highline" and "Smart Harbor".
3) Fully practicing sustainable buildings towards low-carbon urban conservation.
In the context of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, in this scheme, the smart low carbon concept can be embedded in the construction, landscape and operation, so as to create a new generation of green building clusters in combination with existing resources. Intensive design techniques should be practiced in project development to improve the efficiency of space use. In architectural design, it is necessary to skillfully meet the appropriate cost of high-end space, make use of natural ventilation and lighting as well as other healthy and energy-efficient design techniques as much as possible, and make innovations in surface, material selection, structural style, intelligent building and other links to create conditions for the subsequent green urban operation.
4) Create forward-looking architectural form to shape contemporary urban landmarks.
In order to reflect on the architectural appearance of urbanization in China, in this scheme, it's necessary to fully study and think about the specific architectural form and pattern of ecological urban spaces of clusters, and put forward the architectural appearance of a new generation of urban core area. For building clusters, it's necessary to carry out spatial verification and positive feedback on existing urban design, highlight the landmark attraction of high-rise and waterfront buildings, attach importance to the spatial experience of near-surface interface, form a retractable public space and a new urban texture with clear rhythm and distinctive features, and demonstrate the induction and guidance for future urban life.
5) Guiding public sharing space and shaping 24-hour vibrant blocks
There are important urban rail transit nodes in the plot of this scheme, so its's necessary to follow the reasonable layout and use the green transportation system to connect the urban space in series. Improving the accessibility of the project site can better activate the high-quality ecological and scientifically and technologically innovative resources in the core area and enhance the service radius of commercial facilities. For accessibility design, it's necessary to fully consider the communication between the place and the city and surrounding areas, and improve the convenience of public transport transfer. Meanwhile, the functional connection, spatial form and traffic organization within the place, as well as the positive significance of public space to promote social fairness and justice shouldn't be ignored.
Beijing Time Will be applied for the agenda.
Deadline for registration: 17:00 on February 18, 2023.
All participants are required to submit the scanned copies of the Participation Confirmation and the attached prequalification document to wanshanlake@163.com before the deadline.
After the prequalification meeting, the Organizer will reply with a sealed scanned copy of the Participation Confirmation by email, and send a shortlist announcement.
Deadline for the submission of design deliverables: 17:00 on May 18, 2023. All design firms shall submit their design deliverables at one time to the Organizer before the deadline.
The expert appraisal meeting will take place in Wuxi, at a venue to be determined. On the day of the appraisal meeting, the chief architect of a design firm shall personally present the design proposal. Each firm will have no more than 30 minutes to speak and 10 minutes for the judges to ask questions.
四、奖金设置(THE PRIZE)
Once its submissions have been confirmed and its conceptual design reviewed, the shortlisted design firms can be granted design costs.
Five prizes and bonuses are proposed for this competition ( RMB ):
Extraordinary Design Award: 3.0 million
Future Style Award: 1.8 million
Impressive Creativity Award: 1.8 million
Masterpiece Entry Award: 1.2 million
In principle, the finally chosen one or more design unions by organizer through art and academic, realizable and economic, visual effect and construction cost that will be perfectly balanced. The chosen design will go deepen working to be integrated and optimized, with signing a contract to obtain an additional deepening cost of no more than RMB 2 million, including all 12 plots totally. The cost includes the deepening and modification of work and conceptual proposals, and the coordination with the local design institute to obtain the work nodes of reporting to the provincial and municipal planning commissions.
This project intends to invite world-class design firms with industry-leading expertise in such fields as urban landmark buildings, scientific research buildings, waterfront buildings, eco-cities, mixed blocks.
+近五年来,在重要的国际建筑学术期刊发表过原创建成作品不少于3次,重要期刊指美国Architectural Record、英国Architectural Review、日本A+U、 西班牙El-Croquis、意大利domus等;
Basis for choosing shortlists during the prequalification meeting:
Conditions for brands: A competitor shall be a union of an international design brand and a Class-A local design institute。The chief designer sent by the participant shall be the principal architect of the international design firm in the union.
to meet the demand for an innovative conceptual design and implementation capabilities once winning the bid.
International design brand should meet at least 3 conditions as below
+Winning important top international awards such as the Pritzker Architecture Prize, the Aga Khan Award for Architecture, the AIA award, the RIBA award, the WAF award, the ARCASIA Awards for Architecture, the CTBUH Awards, etc.;
+ Leaders in global rankings, such as ENR Top 30, WA Top 30 design firm;
+ Published at least 3 original completed works in important international architecture magazines or academic media in the past five years, including Architectural Record, Architectural Review, A+U, El-Croquis, domus etc;
+ No less than 3 landmark works in important cities around the world. Major global cities include London, New York, Paris, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Singapore, Berlin, Dubai, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Beijing and other cities of equal influence.
+ No less than 3 high-rise building design with more than 200m height in world scope
The local design institute should meet the conditions below:
+ Annual income no less than 300 million RMB
+ Employees no less than 300 with multi-specialty
+ No less than 5 high rise building registered as construction design firm, each above 120m height
Aerial View of Planning of Wanshan-Lake Urban Central Area 2.5 k㎡
Land Use Planning Diagram of Wanshan Lake Eco-tech City
Prequalification submissions include:
除《参赛确认函》单独附件,其他全部资格预审文件集中在一个 PPT 或PDF文件,总页数建议不超过30页,建议横版排版,文件大小不宜低于30M,也不宜大于100M,以确保尽可能高精度且便于传送。
+cover page and brand profile, no more than 5 pages
+key projects completed relevant to the subject matter, one page for each project and no more than 15 pages
+conceptual description of the project, no more than 500 words
+sketches and intention analysis related to the conceptual design, no more than 3 pages
+participation confirmation, 1 page, with seal attached;
+other convincing proofs
Besides the Participation Confirmation, all prequalification submissions shall be made in a PPT or PDF file, with no more than 30 pages, and a horizontal layout. The file size should be no less than 30M and no more than 100M to ensure the highest possible accuracy and ease of transfer.
Review submissions include:
A complete design booklet (PDF with no more than 150 pages, printed in color on both sides, printed in A3 for 10 volumes and printed in A4 for 2 volumes,totally 12 volumes)
A clear description of design philosophy (DOC with not more than 1,000 words, and also included into the design booklet)
Three A0 display boards (vertical layout, PDF, uniformly printed by the Organizer)
No less than 20 renderings (including aerial view, street view, facade, group inside view, focus on the three urban functional circle as Thinking Harbor, Innovation Highline, and the Urban Living)
At least one solid model (with the pedestal not more than 1.2 m X 1.2 m, recommended ratio of 1:500, no material limit)
A multimedia expression no less than 180 seconds in MP4
(Including the chief architect appearance in the video and necessary Chinese subtitles)
PPT files for presentation at the appraisal meeting (no more than 150M and 100 pages)
七、评审方式(THE JURY)
An official appraisal meeting will be held for the conceptual design by a jury organized by the Organizer, composed of academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, international and domestic experts, well-known scholars, important representatives of the owner.
The expert appraisal meeting will take place in Wuxi, at a venue to be determined. On the day of the appraisal meeting, the chief architect of a design firm shall personally present the design proposal. The presentation will be held from 13:30 to 17:30 (Beijing Time) on the same day. Each firm will have no more than 30 minutes to speak and 10 minutes for the judges to ask questions.
Plan of Landscape around Lake
专用电子邮箱 Email
This email is the only mailbox designated for communication between the sponsor and the design firm.
咨询电话 Telephone
Mr. Ai (Academic consultant) 13764164031
Mr.Chen (Owner representative) 15370229789
Aerial View of Present Wanshan Lake (2021)
Sponsored by:
Government of Xishan District, Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province
Executive Organizer:
Xishan Economic & Technological Development Zone Management Committee
Wuxi Wanshan-Lake Urban Development Group Co.Ltd
Xishan Branch of Wuxi Municipal Natural Resources and Planning Bureau
The right of authorship of all design proposals shall be owned only by the design firms, and licensed to the Organizer for publication and display purposes only. The design results will not be returned to the design firms after appraisal. The Organizer shall be entitled to reasonably utilize the creative and positive elements of any bid in the deepening of the proposal.
主办方有权无偿使用设计成果进行出版和展览, 并通过传媒、专业杂志、专业书刊或其它形式介绍、展示设计作品及评价设计成果。
The Organizer shall be entitled to publish and exhibit the design results free of charge, introduce and display design results through media, professional magazines, books or other forms.
All design proposals must be originally created by the concerned participants and shall not cover any material infringing the intellectual property right of any third party. In case of infringement, the infringing party shall bear all the consequences and be disqualified from this competition.
主办方提供的所有技术基础资料( 文字、图纸、电子数据等) 均受版权保护。未得授权,任何人不得将内容复制、改编、分发、发布、外借、转让,否则将承担相关法律责任。
All basic documents provided by the Organizer to participants, including texts, drawings and electronic data, are protected by copyright. Without authorization, any person shall not duplicate, adapt, distribute, disclose, lend or transfer the concerned contents, otherwise, he/she will assume relevant legal liabilities.